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Save More in Atlanta with Hoods Unlimited

At Hoods Unlimited, we value our customers and strive to provide high-quality service at the best possible rates. Whether you are referring a friend, managing multiple locations, or bundling services, we offer several ways for you to save on commercial hood cleaning and fire safety services. Our goal is to make kitchen maintenance affordable while ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations.

Ways to Save on Hood Cleaning Services

Referral Discount – 15% Off Your Next Cleaning

Are you satisfied with our services? Share your experience with others! When you refer a new customer to Hoods Unlimited and they complete their first cleaning, you will receive 15% off your next service. This is our way of thanking you for helping spread the word about our professional and reliable hood cleaning services.

How to Claim: Have your referral mention your name when they complete the Request a Quote form, and we will automatically apply the discount to your next service.

After-Hours Access Discount – $90 Off Your First Cleaning

We understand that shutting down during business hours can be inconvenient. That’s why we offer a $90 discount on your first cleaning when you provide after-hours access through a key, lockbox, or door code. This allows us to perform our service at a time that minimizes disruption to your business operations.

  • No need to be on-site—our team will handle the cleaning while you focus on your business.
  • A secure and hassle-free process to get your kitchen cleaned without interfering with peak business hours.

How to Claim: Email Madison Ginn with the subject line “AFTER HOURS ACCESS” to take advantage of this offer.

Restaurant owners in a business meeting in Atlanta, GA

Multi-Location Discount – Custom Savings for Chain Restaurants

If you manage multiple restaurant locations, we offer customized discounts when you schedule recurring services across multiple locations. This ensures consistency and convenience for your business while reducing costs.

  • Tailored pricing based on the number of locations.
  • A single dedicated service provider for all locations, ensuring uniformity in cleaning standards and compliance.
  • Streamlined scheduling and invoicing for multi-location businesses.

How to Claim: Contact us for a custom quote based on your locations and service needs. Our team will work with you to create a schedule that meets your business’s needs while maximizing cost savings.

Service Bundle Discount – Lower Rates When You Bundle Services

Hoods Unlimited partners with our sister company, American Fire Shield, to provide a complete fire safety solution. When you bundle hood cleaning with fire suppression system services, you receive exclusive discounted rates on both services.

  • One provider for multiple services, reducing administrative work.
  • Fire suppression and hood cleaning combined for complete compliance, ensuring your business meets all necessary safety regulations.
  • Fewer vendors to coordinate with, making kitchen maintenance more efficient.

How to Claim: When booking your next service, mention bundling, or select multiple services when filling out the Request a Quote form.

5-Star Google Review Discount – 10% Off Your Next Service

Your feedback helps us grow! Leave us a 5-star Google review, and we’ll thank you with 10% off your next hood cleaning service. Reviews help other business owners make informed decisions and allow us to continue providing top-tier service.

How to Claim:

  1. Leave a 5-star review on Google.
  2. Send us a screenshot or mention your review when scheduling your next service.

Review us here: Leave a Review

Have Questions about this Program?

Key Benefits of the Referral Program at Hoods Unlimited in Atlanta, GA

Service Areas

Hoods Unlimited proudly serves businesses throughout the Southeast, ensuring kitchens remain safe and compliant in key locations across Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. Our service areas include:

  • Georgia: Atlanta, Marietta, Sandy Springs, Roswell, Alpharetta, Smyrna, Brookhaven, Stonecrest, Peachtree City, Decatur, Johns Creek, Milton, Duluth, Lawrenceville, Kennesaw, Douglasville, Macon, Athens, Columbus, Savannah.
  • Alabama: Auburn
  • Tennessee: Chattanooga

No matter where your business is located within these regions, we are ready to provide professional and reliable hood cleaning services. Our experienced team ensures that your kitchen meets all necessary fire safety and compliance standards.

Start Saving Today!

Hoods Unlimited is dedicated to delivering the highest quality service at the best value. Take advantage of these exclusive savings while keeping your kitchen compliant and operational. Whether you need a single cleaning, ongoing maintenance, or a bundled fire protection plan, we are here to provide cost-effective solutions.

More savings. More value. Same great service. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you save!