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Quality Vent Hood Cleaning for a Safe Kitchen


Elevate kitchen safety and compliance with our expert commercial kitchen exhaust hood cleaning services. Our thorough and professional approach ensures the removal of grease and contaminants, promoting optimal ventilation performance. Trust us for superior hood cleaning that not only enhances safety but also aligns with industry standards, providing your commercial kitchen with a spotless and secure environment.

Clients in Various Industries

Hoods Unlimited has worked with businesses of various types that depend on a clean kitchen to feed their customers, visitors, students, staff, and residents. Some common industries of our clients include the following:

  • Restaurants – The constant cooking at a restaurant can hasten the buildup of cooking grease in the vent hoods, and their business depends on a safe and fully-operational kitchen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Hotels – Hungry guests in rooms and banquet halls depend on the hotel kitchen for room service and catering. They might get calls at any time, so the kitchen must be ready to prepare a single meal or a buffet for 300 people.
  • Schools – School breakfasts and lunches are essential for the health and happiness of students and faculty. The kitchen staff relies on cooking appliances and ventilation systems throughout the school day to feed hundreds of mouths.
  • Prisons – Inmates and guards have to eat three square meals a day, which puts the prison kitchen to work, using the stoves to prepare food for countless diners.
  • Airports – The rush of arrivals and departures circulates hungry travelers and airport staff from around the globe trying to grab a meal before their connecting flights, which depend on the restaurants and cafeterias in the airport.
  • Hospitals – Patients, medical staff, and custodians alike need to eat while they’re at a hospital, and the cafeterias must produce meals at all times of the day and night.

Experience Unmatched Efficiency and Reliability with Hoods Unlimited

Advanced Service Management with ServiceTrade

At Hoods Unlimited, we leverage the cutting-edge capabilities of ServiceTrade to provide you with exceptional commercial kitchen exhaust hood cleaning services. Discover how our technology-driven approach benefits you:

Streamlined Operations for Your Peace of Mind

  • Efficient Scheduling and Dispatching: Our advanced scheduling and dispatching tools ensure that our technicians are always on time and prepared for every job. This reduces wait times and ensures your kitchen operations continue smoothly.
  • Parts Management: We track and manage parts inventory meticulously, ensuring that our technicians have everything they need to complete the job efficiently without unnecessary delays.

Enhanced Field Efficiency

  • Technician Mobile App: Our technicians use a sophisticated mobile app to access job details, document work performed, and stay updated in real time, ensuring thorough and reliable service.
  • Timecards and InspectionManager: We use digital timecards and inspection tools to maintain precise records of the work performed, guaranteeing high-quality service and accountability.

Superior Client Communication

  • Customer Portal: Access your service history, upcoming appointments, and detailed reports through our easy-to-use customer portal. Stay informed and in control of your kitchen maintenance.
  • Customer Service Link: Communicate directly with our service team for prompt and effective issue resolution, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Management Visibility for Better Decision Making

  • Comprehensive Business Reporting: We provide detailed reports on service performance and operational efficiency, helping you understand the value we bring to your kitchen maintenance.
  • Accounting Integrations: Seamlessly integrated financial data ensures transparency and accurate billing, giving you peace of mind and simplifying your accounting processes.

Reliable and Predictable Service Delivery

  • Smart AI for Scheduling: Our AI-driven scheduling ensures that routine maintenance and urgent repairs are handled promptly, optimizing technician routes and minimizing downtime.
  • Project Management: We manage projects efficiently to avoid cost overruns and ensure timely completion, keeping your kitchen operations running smoothly.

Why Choose Hoods Unlimited?

By choosing Hoods Unlimited, you benefit from:

  • Consistent Quality: Our use of ServiceTrade technology ensures that every service visit is thorough, efficient, and of the highest quality.
  • Real-Time Updates: Stay informed with real-time updates on service status, technician arrival times, and job completion through our customer portal and mobile communication tools.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain valuable insights into your kitchen’s maintenance needs with our detailed business reports and data analysis, helping you make informed decisions.

Get Started with Hoods Unlimited Today!

Experience the difference that advanced service management technology can make for your commercial kitchen exhaust hood cleaning. Contact us now to schedule a service or request a demo.


Contact our Team


If you’re restaurant is operating more than 4 days per week, you should have your hood cleaned at minimum every 90 days (3 months / 1x per quarter). If you are under that standard operation level, your system may be subject to only being serviced twice per year (semi-annually).

Yes. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) along with Federal and State regulations require that all commercial exhaust hood systems are to be serviced with frequency.

Typically hood cleanings range from 2-4 hours based on the quantity, size, length, and grease accumulation of the system. If you would like to know the specifics about your system, give us a call at 470-228-0141.

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