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Commercial hood installed in a restaurant kitchen

Commercial kitchens are the heart of any foodservice business. From restaurants to hotel kitchens, they are bustling with activity, producing delicious meals that often generate heat, smoke, and grease. To maintain a safe, clean, and compliant kitchen environment, one essential component is a commercial kitchen hood. But what exactly is it, and why is it so important?

If you’re a restaurant owner, caterer, or facility manager, understanding the various types of commercial kitchen hoods, along with their installation and maintenance requirements, can help you make smarter, more informed decisions for your business.

What is a Commercial Kitchen Hood?

A commercial kitchen hood, also known as an exhaust hood or vent hood, is a ventilation system installed over cooking appliances to remove contaminants like smoke, grease, odors, and heat from the kitchen. It improves air quality and supports a safer working environment by directing these pollutants outside.

Kitchen hoods come in two primary types, which we’ll discuss further below. They are a required safety feature for most commercial kitchens under local and national fire safety codes.

Why is a Commercial Kitchen Hood Important?


Properly installed ventilation systems are often a legal requirement, so your establishment meets building, health, and fire safety codes. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal issues, or even business closure. Staying compliant keeps your business within regulations and creates a safer environment for everyone.


Kitchen ventilation systems are necessary for fire prevention by capturing and removing grease particles from the air before they accumulate. Without proper ventilation, grease buildup can increase the risk of dangerous grease fires, endangering staff, customers, and property.

Air Quality

Effective ventilation systems improve air quality by removing smoke, odors, and cooking fumes. Poor air quality can harm staff productivity and customer experience, making proper ventilation a critical component for a clean, breathable atmosphere in any commercial kitchen.


By eliminating excess heat and maintaining proper airflow, kitchen hoods create a more comfortable working environment for employees. This improves their well-being, enhances productivity, and boosts morale in a fast-paced and demanding workspace.

Types of Commercial Vent Hoods

There are two primary categories of commercial kitchen hoods, based on the type of contaminants they filter and the appliances they serve.

Type I Vent Hoods

Type I hoods are designed to remove grease, smoke, and other airborne particles produced by cooking. These are ideal for use over fryers, grills, ovens, and other grease-heavy equipment. They typically come with grease filters to capture particles and prevent buildup in the duct system.

Type II Vent Hoods

Type II hoods are used for exhausting moisture, steam, and odors but are not intended for grease removal. They are often installed above appliances like dishwashers, coffee machines, or ovens that mainly produce heat or humidity.

Commercial Vent Hood Design

A commercial vent hood’s design impacts the quality of your kitchen’s ventilation. Choosing the right one depends on your kitchen’s layout and needs. Consulting professionals can help you make the best choice. Here are three common vent hood designs:

  • Wall Canopy Hoods: Mounted on walls above cooking equipment; ideal for kitchens with wall-aligned appliances.
  • Island Canopy Hoods: Ceiling-mounted for central kitchen setups; require stronger exhaust fans.
  • Low Proximity Hoods: Positioned at counter height; perfect for compact kitchens, capturing emissions at the source.

How to Choose the Right Hood

Selecting the right hood for your kitchen depends on factors like your kitchen layout, the type of cooking appliances you use, and the volume of cooking you typically do. A properly selected hood delivers powerful benefits. It’s important to choose a hood that matches the size of your cooking range for optimal performance. For safety and compliance, consult a professional to certify the installation meets local building codes and fire safety standards, protecting both your home and your peace of mind.

Inspector reviews documents on commercial hood code requirements

How Does a Commercial Vent Hood Work?

The primary function of a commercial vent hood is to remove contaminated air from the kitchen and expel it outside the building, creating a cleaner and safer environment for staff. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Capture and Contain: The vent hood is designed to capture smoke, grease, steam, and heat produced during cooking. High-efficiency filters within the hood trap grease and other particles, preventing them from spreading throughout the kitchen or clogging the ventilation system. This step manages air quality and reduces fire hazards.
  2. Exhaust Ventilation: Once the contaminants are captured, a powerful duct system channels them outside the building. This process removes polluted air efficiently from the kitchen, preventing heat and odor from lingering and allowing staff to work in a comfortable space. Proper ventilation also helps protect the kitchen’s equipment and surfaces from grease buildup over time.
  3. Make-Up Air System: To preserve balance, a make-up air system introduces fresh air into the kitchen to replace the air expelled. This system prevents negative air pressure, which can disrupt the performance of the ventilation system and make the kitchen uncomfortable for staff. By establishing proper airflow, the make-up air system contributes to a stable, well-ventilated environment.

This entire setup not only protects the kitchen environment from pollutants and excessive heat but also confirms compliance with health and safety regulations. A well-maintained commercial vent hood system is fundamental for any professional kitchen, promoting hygiene, safety, and efficiency in daily operations.

How Much Does a Vent Hood Cost?

Costs for commercial kitchen hoods can vary widely depending on factors like the size of the hood, type, complexity of ductwork, and if additional features like fire suppression systems are included.

  • Hood Cost: $1,000–$3,000
  • Installation Cost: $2,000–$10,000 or more, depending on ductwork complexity and kitchen layout.

Costs for maintenance (e.g., hood cleaning) should also be factored into your operational budget for safety and compliance.

The Installation Process

Proper installation of a vent hood is complex and should always be performed by certified professionals. Here’s what the process typically involves:

  1. Assessment: A professional will assess your kitchen layout, cooking appliances, and local code requirements.
  2. Hood Placement: The hood is mounted over your cooking area at a specific height for peak efficiency.
  3. Ductwork Connection: Ducts are installed to route exhaust air outside of the building.
  4. Exhaust and Make-Up Air Fans: These are connected to the system to regulate airflow.
  5. Fire Suppression System: If required, a fire suppression system will be installed within the hood.

Each installation is customized to your kitchen, to support functionality and compliance with fire and health regulations.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

A clean hood is not just about aesthetics—it’s a critical safety measure. Grease and grime buildup in the hood and duct system can lead to fire hazards and compromised air quality.

At Hoods Unlimited, we offer professional vent hood cleaning services in Metro Atlanta so your kitchen remains safe and compliant.

Regular hood cleaning removes grease and contaminants, maintains proper ventilation, and prevents costly breakdowns. Most codes recommend hood cleaning every 3-6 months, depending on kitchen usage.

Fire Safety and Suppression Systems

A key aspect of a well-functioning commercial vent hood is its fire suppression system. This vital system is designed to detect fires quickly and automatically release extinguishing agents to control flames before they can spread, significantly reducing damage and safety risks. Without an effective fire suppression system, kitchens are left vulnerable to potentially devastating fires that can endanger staff, customers, and property.

Restaurant hood with fire suppression system installed

Our fire suppression services provide your kitchen with state-of-the-art systems that meet modern safety standards. These systems are engineered to respond rapidly and effectively, so your kitchen remains a safe environment for everyone while minimizing downtime and costly repairs in the event of a fire. Protect your business with reliable solutions you can trust.

Why Choose Hoods Unlimited?

At Hoods Unlimited, we pride ourselves on being a technology-first company that goes above and beyond industry standards. Here’s why restaurant owners across Metro Atlanta trust us:

  • Full Staff Team: Unlike competitors, we’re not a one-man band. Our team of experts is here to provide reliable and top-notch service.
  • Innovative Technology: Our patent-pending tool can access, and clean ductwork areas traditionally considered unreachable.
  • Commitment to Cleanliness and Safety: We understand that reliability, cleanliness, and safety are your top priorities—and we make them ours too.
  • Proven Expertise: With years of experience, we’ve built a reputation for excellence in hood installation and maintenance.

Get in Touch with Hoods Unlimited Today

At the end of the day, a functional and safe commercial kitchen hood is indispensable for running a successful kitchen operation. When you’re setting up a new restaurant or managing your existing kitchen, Hoods Unlimited is here to help.

For expert advice, installations, cleaning services, and fire suppression systems, contact our team today or call us at 770-345-1897. We’re here to keep your kitchen safe, compliant, and running smoothly.